Baby Name Poll Results

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Auden Carlisle vs. Auden Quincy vs. Auden Wilson

We posted yesterday asking for middle name suggestions for our son. Dawsey is out and we're hoping to save it for maybe another baby, but these are the three we've agreed on. Thanks. The Laurent's

The Top Baby Name is...

Auden Carlisle Laurent


Auden Quincy Laurent


Auden Wilson Laurent


Poll created: May 22, 2024
Total Votes: 12


Carlisle is nice but too many L's with Laurent IMO. Quincy gmv - very handsome!
posted by Pam :: 3 months ago | report
I agree Auden Carlisle Laurent has a lot of L, but I voted for it anyway because I love Carlisle.
posted by Guest :: 3 months ago | report

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