Baby Name Poll Results

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Joyce Jean vs. Joyce Jayne vs. Joyce June

I'm set on the first name Joyce as it's after my grandma. But I would like the middle name with a J so the nickname would be JJ. Any other ideas for J names

The Top Baby Name is...

Joyce Jean


Joyce Jayne


Joyce June


Poll created: May 22, 2024
Total Votes: 18


If you're set on using a J mn, I think you need something 'longer' so the flow isn't so abrupt. Something like Juniper or Julia might work.
posted by NameHog :: 3 months ago | report
I would use Jocelyn or Joycelyn as first name. Your daughter deserves to have her own identity. My grandma is Mary. My name is Mary. I chose a variation for my daughter of Meredith as her middle name. My daughter loves the reference to her great grandma. ❤️
posted by Mary :: 3 months ago | report
I agree with NameHog, the middle name should be longer sound than 1 syllable.
posted by Mary :: 3 months ago | report
Suggestions for mn: Jacinda, Jacinthe, Jerrica, Jessamine, Jillian, Joleen, Juliette
posted by Mary :: 3 months ago | report
Why call a girl JJ
posted by Dd :: 3 months ago | report
Joyce Julia
Joyce Joanna
Joyce Johanna
Joyce Janelle

Anything with more that one syllable will flow better. Of your choices, I'd go with Jane, spelled this way.
posted by Abbie :: 3 months ago | report
Joyce Jeanette
Joyce Julissa
Joyce Juliette
Joyce Janelle
posted by Guest :: 3 months ago | report
I agree that if you are using Joyce you need a middle name that doesn't also have one syllable
posted by 4kidmom :: 3 months ago | report

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