Baby Name Poll Results

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Kiera Louise vs. Kiera Emmeline

Thank you for the votes on my poll yesterday. We have two middle names that tied on that poll so I am going to do another poll to see which one is popular. Kiera is pronounced Kee-rah. We are struggling as Louise is a family name and Emmeline is a name we like. Which middle name do you think we should use? Comments appreciated. Thank you!

The Top Baby Name is...

Kiera Louise


Kiera Emmeline


Poll created: May 22, 2024
Total Votes: 29


Kiera Louise is nice.
posted by NameHog :: 3 months ago | report
I voted for Louise because I am sentimental. You could use Emmeline if you have another daughter.
posted by Mary :: 3 months ago | report
Keira Louise has a stunning flow and I don't think you'll regret using a family name that sounds great.
posted by Abbie :: 3 months ago | report
Keira is how I like . Emmeline because it's less common as a middle name
posted by Guest :: 3 months ago | report
Emmeline is a pretty name choice for the middle but if Louise is special to you, I wouldn't miss the opportunity
posted by Greeni :: 3 months ago | report
Kiera Louise sounds the best and has a good flow.
posted by Guest :: 3 months ago | report
I always say go for the name with meaning.
posted by MamaOf3 :: 3 months ago | report
Louise is so boring.
posted by Guest :: 3 months ago | report
Obviously not to the poster
posted by . :: 3 months ago | report
Then dont use the dang name^^

Use the meaningful name
posted by Guest :: 3 months ago | report

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