Baby Name Poll Results

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Daphne vs. Flora

Which name do you prefer? Suggestions are welcome too, thank you!

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Poll created: May 23, 2024
Total Votes: 21


Both are nice but I chose Daphne.
posted by NameHog :: 3 months ago | report
Flora alway makes me think of gut flora as in the bacteria and other organisms that live inside the intestines. I think they talk about it on a tv advert for a yogurt drink, good flora and bad flora 🦠🧫
posted by Guest :: 3 months ago | report
^ Omg I never thought about that. Good point.
posted by NameHog :: 3 months ago | report
I like both names but I prefer Daphne. It has a lot of character and energy.
posted by Genevieve :: 3 months ago | report
My daughter is Daphne and she gets so many compliments on her name and loves being the only one in her school!
posted by Guest :: 3 months ago | report
Thanks so much for all your comments, I really appreciate it
posted by Poster :: 3 months ago | report

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