Baby Name Poll Results

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Eleanor + Adelaide 'Addy + Nora' vs. Adelaide + Leonora 'Addy + Nora'

Our final 3 girls names. If g/g twins which pair is your favourite. Big sisters are Florence and Winifred. Thank you!

The Top Baby Name is...

Eleanor + Adelaide 'Addy + Nora&#39


Adelaide + Leonora 'Addy + Nora&#39


Poll created: May 23, 2024
Total Votes: 38


Although I dislike the nn Addy, Adelaide + Leonora gmv.
posted by NameHog :: 3 months ago | report
Addy is too common
posted by Guest :: 3 months ago | report
As much as I like Leonora, I think Adelaide & Eleanor are a better style "match" with Florence & Winifred.
posted by Genevieve :: 3 months ago | report
I love the nickname Addy!!
posted by Guest :: 3 months ago | report
Thank you everyone! I know Adelaide and Leonora has more votes but we both agree with Genevieve (beautiful name btw) that Adelaide and Eleanor fit better with the style of our other girls names.
posted by OP :: 3 months ago | report
Maddy/Addy nicknames are worn out
At least Eleanor isn't another Ellie
Addy+Nora isn't too bad, 6/10
posted by Guest :: 3 months ago | report

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