Baby Name Poll Results

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Evan vs. Liam

Our delivery surpise is due in August. We've felt excited and convinced by the girl option Nora, but we're divided between Evan or Liam if we have a boy. His siblings are Rhys, Mila and Jude, if that helps in your vote.

The Top Baby Name is...

Evan Tucker


Liam Tucker


Poll created: May 24, 2024
Total Votes: 40


I prefer Evan to Liam.
posted by Genevieve :: 3 months ago | report
I second Genevieve's comment.
posted by NameHog :: 3 months ago | report
Definitely Evan! It's so handsome and Liam is so ridiculously common.
posted by Guest :: 3 months ago | report
I adore both, but I like that Evan is a little more uncommon. Additionally, Liam and Mila, although not similar sound wise, contain all the same letters. Not sure if that would bother you or not.
posted by Mak :: 3 months ago | report
^ I didn't even notice that, Mak. Good observation!
posted by NameHog :: 3 months ago | report

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