Baby Name Poll Results

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Audrey vs. Delilah vs. Natalie

Our list was much longer a few months ago, but now that we're getting close to my due date, its not getting shorter. We imagine these names as our little girl's name. Her brother's name is Julian.

The Top Baby Name is...







Poll created: May 26, 2024
Total Votes: 31


I like all three but Audrey gmv.
posted by NameHog :: 3 months ago | report
Audrey gmv. Delilah a close second. i don't see Natalie as a sister for a Julian.

mn ideas...

Audrey Sybil
Audrey Jane
Audrey Ann
Audrey Hazel
Audrey Mabel
Audrey Helen
Audrey Gertrude
Audrey Pamela
Audrey Brenda
Audrey Hannah

Delilah Rosemary
Delilah May
Delilah June
Delilah Ruth
Delilah Beatrice
Delilah Grace
Delilah Mavis
Delilah Nancy
Delilah Mildred
Delilah Janet

Natalie Dora
Natalie Bridget
Natalie Frances
Natalie Constance
Natalie Rose
Natalie Monica
Natalie Gwendoline
Natalie Beryl
Natalie Evelyn
Natalie Alma
posted by Ladybird :: 3 months ago | report
I think Julian and Audrey would be a lovely sibling duo.
posted by Genevieve :: 3 months ago | report
I absolutely love Delilah.
posted by Guest :: 3 months ago | report

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