Baby Name Poll Results

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Hazel Claire vs. Hazel vs. Penelope Rose

Hi! Please help us name our daughter. Im not completely sold on Hazel. We also need middle name suggestions for Hazel. No Grace or Kate please. I am a teacher so a lot of names are off the table. I love classic, simple names but not necessarily popular. Any help for first and middle names are welcome! Tia

The Top Baby Name is...

Hazel Claire Edens


Hazel Edens


Penelope Rose Edens


Poll created: May 26, 2024
Total Votes: 34


Hazel Annette
Hazel Paulina
Hazel Justine
Hazel Veronica
Hazel Gwendolyn
Hazel Natalie
Hazel Matilda
Hazel Delphine
posted by Guest :: 4 months ago | report
I wasn't sold on Hazel myself until a dear friend of mine had a little Hazel last year. I think it's a good name.

Mn Ideas …

- Hazel Miranda Edens
- Hazel Adriana Edens
- Hazel Veronica Edens
- Hazel Juliet Edens
- Hazel Johanna Edens
- Hazel Bianca Edens
- Hazel Felicity Edens
- Hazel Violetta Edens
- Hazel Mireille Edens (meer-ay)
- Hazel Diana Edens
- Hazel Isadora Edens
- Hazel Thalia Edens
- Hazel Davina Edens
- Hazel Elysia Edens
posted by NameHog :: 4 months ago | report
Hazel Agnes, Hazel Angela, Hazel Bettina, Hazel Caprice, Hazel Candescia, Hazel Dianthe, Hazel Edwina, Hazel Elaina, Hazel Frances, Hazel Georgina, Hazel Jude, Hazel Kristine, Hazel Lauriann, Hazel Lorraine, Hazel Margaret, Hazel Miriam, Hazel Noreen, Hazel Odelia, Hazel Rachel, Hazel Sarai, Hazel Terra, Hazel Vera, Hazel Wilona
posted by Mary :: 4 months ago | report
Penelope Leeann, Penelope Susan
posted by Mary :: 4 months ago | report
I honestly dislike both Hazel and Penelope, so I'm not sure that any of my suggestions would be to your taste. Perhaps you'd like Haven or Laurel instead? What about Melody or Elodie? Some other lesser-used classics: Jeanette, Susan, Nadia, Ramona, Vanessa, Wendy, Miranda, Roberta, Diane, Jean, Marian, Danielle, Sally, Regina, Monica, Justine, Iris, Amy, Susannah, Calliope, Theresa. Not all these are my style, but it might get you thinking along the lines of something you might like.
posted by Guest :: 4 months ago | report
Penelope Rose is very pretty. Hazel sounds so harsh I don't care for it. Other suggestions you may like:
posted by Christine :: 4 months ago | report
posted by Guest :: 4 months ago | report
Hazel Jane
Hazel Blythe
Hazel Esme
Hazel Maeve
Hazel Rhiannon
Hazel Theodora
Hazel Beatrice
Hazel Adelaide
posted by Guest :: 4 months ago | report

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