Baby Name Poll Results

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Moira/Moire (Moy-ruh) vs. Nora(h) vs. Valerie

We are looking for an underused name for our first daughter. These are the three names dh and I have agreed on, so we will probably be using one of these. We aren’t sure about Moira/ it too out there or is it pretty? Mn suggestions are welcome. Thanks! Camille & Mike

The Top Baby Name is...

Moira/Moire (Moy-ruh Trenton


Nora(h) Trenton


Valerie Trenton


Poll created: Jul 27, 2009
Total Votes: 10


I don’t care for Moira--- would prefer Mara, Mora, or Mira over it.

Love Nora(h). I never know whether I like it with/without the h either!
I like Norah Valerie Trenton
posted by guest :: 14 years ago | report
Norah Valerie is really pretty, thanks!

We’re thinking of just scratching Moira....We do like Mara.
posted by Posters :: 14 years ago | report

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