Baby Name Poll Results

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FAKE vs. NAME vs. POLLS!!!!

Why is there so many fake name polls on this site!This site is falling apart!REALLY I do not think there is that many twins and triplets!!!!!what do you say about this?

The Top Baby Name is...







Poll created: May 12, 2011
Total Votes: 2


in vitro fertilization
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
I say ’comment on those you want to comment on, ignore those you feel are fake, the more you comment and give attention to fake polls, the more fake polls will be made’
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
sure, fakes could get annoying, especially when they’re obvious, but, it’s a name poll...who cares? Also...if the people are creating fake polls it’s probably because they’re genuinely interested in baby names and talking about it - I remember being 8 years old and already talking with my friends about baby each their own...people are entitled to have they’re fun with this topic, even if they are not presently pregnant - and who knows...names they mention might be inspiring?
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
While I agree, there are a lot of fake polls, I also have to agree with previous posters.

1. with IUI and IVF becoming more common, multiples aren’t as uncommon as they once were

2. A real mom can see a name on a fake poll and fall in love. It’s not only "your" poll that will help you find names
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
I know there are fake polls... there are fake polls for multiples and there are fake polls for single birth children as well... I know this. However, I cannot tell which individual polls are fake, so I try to treat each pollster with respect and respond as if all requests are real (unless they’re obviously fake... I’m lookin’ at you, Pat May Balls).

Because I can’t go into people’s homes and police them, I take the bad with the good. Besides, a name suggested on a fake poll, may be just the name a real pollster is looking for... and would not have found without browsing the fake poll.

THESE polls, however... the ones that complain about fakers... really annoy me.

A) It doesn’t do any good... discussing this does not reduce how many fake polls there are.

B) It takes up valuable poll space, and bumps real polls to subsequent pages more quickly, giving those polls less opportunity to be reviewed and responded to.

Discuss this in the forums, or take a break from the site if it is too stressful for you to help people imagine and play, and maybe plan for the future, rather than be 100% confident that everyone you respond to IS pregnant, and searching for a name that is to be used within the next nine months.
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
Because it’s fun. Because putting names together is can be an art form, just like music, painting, architecture, etc.
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
Why isn’t anyone commenting on Josianne’s middle name? Or any of the other polls that only has 1 comment!
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
I don’t mind those kind of fake polls, but the ones asking for characters and virtual names reall bug me! Just say it’s for a baby name, since this is a baby naming site!
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
I hate those spammed advertisement polls with random letters all through the description.
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
I do agree that the fakes are annoying, however anyone that has multiples should not be automatically labeled as fake, because it happens all of the time. I actually know of TWO sets of quads who are my daughters age in the same school, so it is possible.
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
The number of multiple births have increased due to IVF, IUI. I should know I am a Childrens Dr.
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report

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