Baby Name Poll Results

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Gentry Eloise vs. Genevieve Audrey


The Top Baby Name is...

Gentry Eloise


Genevieve Audrey


Poll created: Jun 24, 2019
Total Votes: 27


Genevieve Audrey gmv. Two beautiful names that combine well. Love it.

Love Eloïse, but not so fond of Gentry. It's an economic class. It would be like naming someone Proletariat, Bourgeoisie, Peasant or Aristocracy. I went to college with a Gentry and never got used to her name. What about Geneva, Jessamine or Marjorie instead? Good luck! :0)
posted by FredaCat :: 4 years ago | report
I have to agree with FredaCat. I've never seen someone use it on a girl before, but I've met a guy named Gentry before and it just sounded so WEIRD! Like his parents were either patting thrmselves on the backs for being wealthy or like they were just ignorant of the definition. It just seems...icky to me. Distasteful.

Genevieve is beautiful anyway, but in comparison to Gentry, it is far better! Genevieve Audrey is very nice.
posted by Guest :: 4 years ago | report

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