Baby Name Poll Results

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Breaking vs. Sibling vs. Sets

Hi. We have 5 kids including a set of twins. It was so hard naming youngest daughter because I felt pressure to keep the pattern of all their names ending in the same letter. Also the twins name begins with same letter. I have such regret over her name and would like to change it to one similar to her current name but it would "break" the sibling set. I feel conflicted. Do you think she will grow to feel like the odd one out eventually if her siblings names follow a pattern that hers does not?

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Poll created: Aug 22, 2019
Total Votes: 1


Honestly, I think it depends on your child's personality. Some children are going to be sensitive to that and others just aren't going to care. I read a blog once where the parents and the oldest child all shared the same first initial and the youngest didn't. When the youngest was older, she asked why she was left out. Now my independent child would have wanted to know why she wasn't different!! Unfortunately for you, you can't know her personality.
posted by Guest :: 4 years ago | report
Adults care more about themes then children. But my siblings would have told me I was adopted and that is why my name was different.
posted by Guest :: 4 years ago | report
Girls are more jealous over stuff than boys. I would leave it.
posted by Guest :: 4 years ago | report
I think it would be confusing for her siblings. I am sure they are used to her name by now. Do you like her middle name? You could use that.
posted by Nell :: 4 years ago | report
I think it's fine - children grow up to be individuals, they won't be a "set" their whole lives.
As far as feeling "left out" goes, theres a million and one ways am overly sensitive child could perceive themselves as being the odd one out, including not having the same interests as their siblings, to things you can't control eg being the only girl, or the only single in a family of multiples, or the only one with curly hair etc
posted by Guest :: 4 years ago | report

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