Baby Name Poll Results

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Ella vs. Eleanor vs. Emily

I have an Anna, Wyatt and Luke what name suits my sib set easy? I'm stuck I love nn Ellie and Emmy DH likes both too

The Top Baby Name is...







Poll created: Oct 22, 2019
Total Votes: 40


All too overused for my taste, but i like Eleanor best of the three.

mn ideas...

Eleanor Charlotte
Eleanor Kathleen
Eleanor Elizabeth
Eleanor Kimberley
Eleanor Maud
Eleanor Daphne
Eleanor Grace
Eleanor Lilian
Eleanor Beatrice
Eleanor Daisy

Emily Violet
Emily Elizabeth
Emily Louise
Emily Alice
Emily Kayla
Emily James
Emily Rylan
Emily Veronica
Emily Rose
Emily Jasmine

Ella Faye
Ella Kate
Ella Ottilie
Ella Eulalie
Ella Henriette
Ella Niamh
Ella Sabine
Ella Charlie
Ella Taylor
Ella Ivy
posted by Ladybird :: 4 years ago | report
Eleanor nn Ella
posted by Guest :: 4 years ago | report
Anna, Wyatt, Luke &

Emily Katherine ( Emmy Kate)
Emily Kate
Emily Elizabeth
Emily Charlotte
Emily Nicole
Emily Violet
Emily Hope
Emily Grace
Emily Lorraine
Emily Brooke
Emily Paige
Emily Alexandra
Emily Juliet
Emily Meredith
Emily Margaret
Emily Annabelle
Emily Rebecca
posted by Lana :: 4 years ago | report
Anna, Wyatt, Luke &

Emily Katherine ( Emmy Kate)
Emily Kate
Emily Elizabeth
Emily Charlotte
Emily Nicole
Emily Violet
Emily Hope
Emily Grace
Emily Lorraine
Emily Brooke
Emily Paige
Emily Alexandra
Emily Juliet
Emily Meredith
Emily Margaret
Emily Annabelle
Emily Rebecca
Emily Rose
Emily Mae
Emily Claire
posted by Lana :: 4 years ago | report

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