Baby Name Poll Results

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Parker vs. Girl vs. Boy

Is Parker more of a boy or girl name?

The Top Baby Name is...







Poll created: Jan 25, 2020
Total Votes: 31


It's all 100% boy.

Why would any one want to name a girl, "Let's go 'park her' somewhere?
posted by Guest :: 4 years ago | report
I know a few girls named Parker. It's unisex but more popular for boys. Definitely not 100% boy. No name is really. You can name your kid whatever you like
posted by Ok :: 4 years ago | report
Honestly both. I know so many boy and girl Parker's. I would just choose a middle name that obviously gives away the gender.
posted by Guest :: 4 years ago | report
I know a girl named Parker but it's like most of the unisex names to me better left for a boy. Sorry.
Parker is handsome. On a girl it's like oh your name is Parker. Ok. Nothing pretty about it.
posted by G :: 4 years ago | report
I personally think it's easier for a boy to pull off, it's not impossible for a girl to pull it off I just think it doesn't always work and it sets the tone, you can't really have one daughter called Mary and then one called Parker, if you commit to one unisex name you kind of commit to all unisex names I think
posted by Anna :: 4 years ago | report
Seems more last name to me actually rather than a name...
posted by Sara :: 4 years ago | report

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