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Can vs. We vs. Use Finley?

Liking the name Finley, but it's meaning includes "fair-haired". Our boy definitely won't have light/fair hair since my husband and I have dark brown/black hair. Can we still use this name regardless of it's meaning? I am asking this because a lot of people choose their child's name from it's meaning. Hopefully this isn't a stupid question. -Jace and Cambria Holland

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Use Finley?


Poll created: Jul 04, 2020
Total Votes: 1


Sure you can use it. Most people won't know the meaning. I'm really into names and I didn't even know. I can guarantee you based on the popularity of Finley that there are plenty of dark-haired Finley's running around. No one will bat an eye. If it makes you feel any better I have a very blond cousin whose name is Melanie, meaning dark-haired.
posted by Guest :: 3 years ago | report
Yes, you can. I consider description meanings for names to be neutral when it comes to meaning. You can't tell for sure what your kid's coloring will be. You could change the name to Duncan ("brown warrior") since you both have dark hair and end up with a redhead. I know a family where both parents are blonde and one of the kids is dark haired. It just isn't feasible to consider physical descriptors when considering the meaning.

Look at the other parts of the meaning. According to behindthename, which is one of the more reputable sites for meanings, Finley comes from the Gaelic Fionnlagh. Fionn means "white or fair" and laogh means "warrior". Since people in past times were mostly farmers and/or warriors, this simply means man or adult male. You could take it as that meaning and assume it's a good omen for his lifespan. Or you could go with "warrior" as fighter and take the meaning as a person who is willing to fight for the things that matter to him. Some sources consider laogh to mean "hero" rather than "warrior". There's definitely some overlap there, since the word originated when people were living in tribal/clan structures and could easily be overrun by other groups and killed or enslaved if not protected by their own warriors. I can see how one word could mean both "warrior" and "hero" in that situation.

Also the middle name will influence the meaning. If you give him Raymond ("wise counselor") for a middle name, that makes it "wise warrior". Finley Hugh makes it "intelligent warrior". Finley Augustus makes it "revered warrior". If you're going with a family name (which is awesome) check the meaning of that name in conjunction with Finley.
posted by Shell :: 3 years ago | report
Yes!! Most people don't know name meanings👍
posted by Lola :: 3 years ago | report
Yes. Why not just make the choices "yes" or "no"? You would get more responses that way.
posted by Guest :: 3 years ago | report
My child had blonde hair and his name means dark haired. No big deal
posted by SR :: 3 years ago | report

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