Baby Name Poll Results

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What vs. would you vs. do?

What would you do? I'm expecting a baby girl and one of the very few names that both my husband and I really like and agree on happens to be the same name as my best friend's daughter's name. Would you talk to your bestie and ask if she would have issues with you naming your girl the same? Or would you not consider this name at all? Something to keep in mind is that my bestie and I live on the opposite U.S. coasts and see each other in person very rarely. So in all likelihood, our daughters wouldn't see each other all that much, aside from when we might occasionally visit each other in the future.

The Top Baby Name is...



would you




Poll created: Jun 19, 2021
Total Votes: 1


Because of the distance (and if you think it'll be that way forever or for a long time) I'd ask your friend if she is okay with you using the name. Not that you need her permissions, but it would help for it not to be an odd situation later.
posted by Guest :: 2 years ago | report
Some variant thereof? Like she used Elizabeth, you use Eliza?

I have a cousin whose kid is named Helena and even though I see her maybe once every 3 years, we still didn't pick Elena s our daughter's name. It's weird to have two of the same name in the same circles.
posted by Sam :: 2 years ago | report
What's the age difference? If it's something like 10 years, you should be fine. If her daughter is still little, no.
posted by Kit :: 2 years ago | report
OP here: Thank you all for the responses!
The age difference between our girls will be about 3 years.

There actually is a different name that uses the same nickname, which I proposed to hubby, but he doesn't like the alternative name at all.
posted by Guest :: 2 years ago | report
There's so many names I wanted to use but someone told me oh no don't use that I know a kid with that name even though they would never see the kid. So I think you should use whatever you like and just say we loved it so much we couldn't pass on it.
posted by Guest :: 2 years ago | report
I would say like it use it. Especially if it's a name you and hubby both like .
posted by Guest :: 2 years ago | report
I'd talk to her if I were in the situation.
posted by 4kidmom :: 2 years ago | report
I would probably not use exact name, I would find something close or a completely new name that I love
posted by Lana :: 2 years ago | report

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