Baby Name Poll Results

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Quinn vs. Boy vs. Girl

Is Quinn a boys name or a girls name? I know it's unisex but which gender do you prefer it on?

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Poll created: Oct 14, 2021
Total Votes: 28


It's just Another dang surname.
posted by G :: 2 years ago | report
Girls, Quintin is for boys but I've always seen Quinn for a girl
posted by Red :: 2 years ago | report
Quinn is a recent unisex name. Here's what I found:

Quinn was not used on girls prior to 1977 and then, very few were given this name. Starting in 2010, the name started trending upward as a girl's name (simultaneously trending downward as a boy's name). The name peaked for girls in 2018 and is now trending back downward. As a boy's name, it first began to be used as such in 1915, but was not very common. It began rising in usage as a boy's name in 1990 and peaked in 2009 when it began trending downward. Overall, it has been trending downward since then with one small spike in use for boys in about 2016.
posted by Miss Nomer :: 2 years ago | report

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