Baby Name Poll Results

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I'd use it anyway vs. I'd reconsider

We are facing a dilemma so would like to here some outside opinions. If you loved a name but your families and friends disliked it ; would you use it anyway? There is nothing wrong with the names we like those around us are just lovers of Amelia, Olivia, Lily, etc basically anything in the top 15 they have kids with those names. The names in question which we love are Alani, Alana, Alina, Alaya, Nadia and Naia. We see nothing wrong with the names but want to know what others would do if those around you didn't really approve of the names you were considering?

The Top Baby Name is...

I'd use it anywa


I'd reconsider


Poll created: May 14, 2022
Total Votes: 20


YES! Your baby, your choice. They will love your baby no matter what you name the child.
posted by Guest :: 1 year ago | report
I had this exact situation.
We wanted to use the name Dante but got spoke out of it, instead we went for Benjamin as it seemed more liked. We love Benjamin but a part of us have always regretted not using Dante. My advice is use what you love, they will accept it eventually and if not that says more about them than you or your name style. GL!
posted by Guest :: 1 year ago | report
I voted I'd reconsider but I think I'm really in between both answers.

I would ask why they weren't liking a name and really ask in depth. Sometimes we love a name and see nothing wrong with it but someone else could have a valid point. I had a situation like that when we were considering a unisex name for our oldest. We got great feedback online but somehow overlooked that the name wasn't as popular for the gender we wanted to use it in our area as we liked to believe. Friends were pointing it out after we let them know and at first I obviously didn't wanted to hear it and while I hated to let my name favorite go I had to agree as we didn't plan on moving anytime soon the name would've given our little girl nothing but trouble.

I don't really see anything wrong with your names, but the thing about online name websistes it we usually don't have the context of the area and culture the child will grow up in.
posted by L :: 1 year ago | report
Consider their advice but do what you love. My favorite is Alina - it's mainstream enough but not common at all!
posted by Guest :: 1 year ago | report
I'd stop sharing your name considerations with family and friends so you stop getting outside opinions :D Choose a name you like. This is exactly why we are not sharing our name choices. None of our names are too out there, like yours, but some people will always find something rude to say that makes you doubt yourself.
posted by Guest :: 1 year ago | report
I like all of these names. While they are not in the top 20 they are not rare. All of them a perfectly acceptable. I wouldn't name a child with a top 20 name. I know what sharing a name with a classmate is like. Once you name her the opinions and drama will stop. Just say for now please don't share your opinions of my name choices. I suggest stop telling them your choices until the baby is born.

Alina is my favorite,but I would be willing to use any of these names. Wouldn't it be boring if we had only 20 choices.
posted by Wren :: 1 year ago | report
I always give the advice to NOT share the names on your list with family and friends. There is always one who will make you doubt yourself and give you grief. It's your baby so you get to name it. Once you've made the decision and the birth certificate is signed, there is nothing they can do about it. People usually accept your choice AFTER you make it. Don't be afraid to trust your gut and pick a name you love.

Your names aren't bad at all. There are little more "different" than those names higher in popularity but that's ok. My favorites are Alana, Alina and Nadia.
posted by Genevieve :: 1 year ago | report
All are ok but Alana is Anala read backwards. And Nadia is waaaaay too russian, seriously wtf????
posted by Guest :: 1 year ago | report
Alaina would be perfect, with the nickname Lai. Seems like the perfect combo of all the names you gave listed.
posted by Namer :: 1 year ago | report
Use the name you love! They're all beautiful. My gas are Naia and Nadia but I also really like Alaya and Alina. The other two I'm not as fon of but would still choose them over the names that top the charts.
posted by Katie :: 1 year ago | report
I agree with L. Ultimately, its your call, but of your friends/family have valid reasons, I'd at least take that into consideration while also keeping in mind people have different tastes. I'd also consider if the name would cause your child difficulties (e.g. spelling corrections, negative initials, filing out paper work in your area - hyphens/long names etc.).

As for your names specifically, they're not common but I don't find them way out there.
posted by Andy K :: 1 year ago | report
Yes, I would and did. We have a son named Forrest and there weren't many in our extended family who liked it. I'm so glad we stuck with it!
posted by Mom of triplets +2 singletons :: 1 year ago | report
Use what you love. Also, ignore the comment about the "Russian" name Nadia. It's perfectly acceptable regardless of origin or your cultural background. The one Nadia I know is African-American, btw. My favorites are Alana and Naia, but I've also met two little girls named Alina recently. These are definitely not off-the-wall names that you need to pause and reconsider. Good luck with whatever you choose. Any of these will make a great name.
posted by Guest :: 1 year ago | report

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