Fun! Baby Name Polls

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Top 3 for Estelle
vote | results   comments: 12   votes: 27   created: Apr 15, 2024 10:29 AM
I saw a poll with the name Rio last night and I really love it with our toddler sons name, Jett James. Do you think Rio Rose & Jett James sound good? We like uncommon names so we sing mi d that it could be considered @out there"
vote | results   comments: 12   votes: 2   created: Apr 15, 2024 08:47 AM
Hi all, so in memory of my uncle, me and hubby both decided that our daughter will have a middle name related to his. His name was Alan, and so we've chosen Alana as her middle name. We have (a big) list of names we like, we would be grateful if you can tel us your favourites from our list, but also if you can help us out with the spelling with Alana or Alanna or Alannah. Thank you, we'll put the list of names down below for you.
vote | results   comments: 12   votes: 0   created: Apr 15, 2024 06:34 AM
Chandler for a Girl?
vote | results   comments: 12   votes: 43   created: Apr 14, 2024 08:07 AM
Big sister is Arizona Jasmine Blaire. Our list of full names is very short but we are open to suggestions to fill in the blanks. See comments for list.
vote | results   comments: 12   votes: 1   created: Apr 13, 2024 01:50 PM
Unity /Blythe /Montana /Lark and Whisper we are also considering . Which name sounds best for our baby girl ? 3 bigger sisters are : - Echo,Shiloh and Jubilee
vote | results   comments: 11   votes: 16   created: Apr 17, 2024 01:48 PM
Even though the name is widely unliked on here… I find myself totally in love with Madison. I'm not sure what it is but nothing can make me not love it! However it clashes with my last name that starts with S… I do like Madelyn variations pronounced like (Mad-ah-Lynn), and I like the nickname of Madi or Maddie. Madeline is the classic choice but I don't like that it's spelled (Made + Line) and think I might prefer the more modern Madelyn to Madeleine. (More similar to Madison imo) What name/spelling do you think I should pick? I thought I was set on Madison Lily but maybe Madelyn Lily would be better with my last name
vote | results   comments: 11   votes: 23   created: Apr 17, 2024 11:42 AM
I love Sienna and Amara as names by themselves but am not a fan of any of the shortened nickname versions. I also like Bella but not as a full name only as a nickname. I find Isabella or Annabella too popular and common. I love Zara but it's my niece's name. Please suggest any ideas!
vote | results   comments: 11   votes: 0   created: Apr 17, 2024 10:06 AM
What is your favorite spelling for a girl? I know middle names are tricky with this name. I want to use Grace as an honor name but I have heard "Shae Grace" almost sounds like "Say Grace". And if a MN starts with an M it could sound like "Shame". Thoughts?
vote | results   comments: 11   votes: 33   created: Apr 16, 2024 11:53 PM
Twin A is Either Elle or Eloise Josephine Have not decided yet. We need help with Baby B he likes Vera and I like Wren. I also love E names for some reason help Please.
vote | results   comments: 11   votes: 0   created: Apr 16, 2024 03:58 PM
I'm currently pregnant with a baby boy. I know his middle name will be Briar. My husband and I need suggestions for a first name. We do have a daughter and her name is Indy Cove. Thanks!
vote | results   comments: 11   votes: 1   created: Apr 16, 2024 09:35 AM
We're thinking of middle names and whether we really need one. I've heard from some people that it was to honour family members whose names they didn't like enough for a first name or because it was Jr. or something and needed to be distinguished from the father. Some others have said they gave their maiden name as their kids' middle names because they didn't change their name after marriage and didn't want difficulties when travelling or with schools or government offices. And then the vast majority have said "because everyone else does" or because they thought they had to because everyone else does. So my question is, why/how did you pick your kid's middle name? Do I really need to give my kid a middle name? Is there a reason to it other than just "everyone does it"? Want some opinions outside my immediate family/friends. Thanks! ~Eva
vote | results   comments: 11   votes: 5   created: Apr 16, 2024 07:40 AM

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