Fun! Baby Name Polls
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Which do you prefer?
Collecting ideas as to what Bonnie and/or Peggy could be short for? Thanks
Thought this would be fun! I really love Mila Isabelle
Baby boy joining big sisters Juniper (Juni, June Bug) and Marigold (Mari). I'm a bit stumped, never really thought about boy names and want something that goes well with sisters with nn potential. Are any of these a good fit? Suggestions welcome.
Which name is better together?
Marie is due in a few more weeks, so we're needing to finalize her middle name soon. Which of our final 3 favorites do you think sounds/flows the best? Big brother and sister are Todd Matthew and Claire Isabel.
Thoughts on this name??
Need help with a middle name for Diana! Partner likes Catherine and Charlotte but I wonder if it isn't too royal family. Rose is really common but has family significance. Estelle is a name we both like but aren't sure we love. There are more options on the table but not enough space on the poll. Thanks!
Which one do you like better? Thank you!
Which are your favorite names from our list? What do you think of them? Thank you!
Which spelling Catherine or Katherine or we are also thinking about using Cathleen/Kathleen? Please let us know in the comments if your vote is for the third option Older sister is Alice Josephine. Thanks!
Different styles but love both? Which one should I go for?
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